Title "水玉パラドックス-Mizutama Paradokkusu-"

Item description

★ Hand made custom VISION STREET WEAR sneakers by Riperys Sugar ★


This pair of shoes is made with best quality materials and handmade, the upper is made of genuine leather and synthetic leather. These unique pieces are not just shoes, they are works of art. They look great with any outfit!  

All shoes are brand new and it comes with a shoebox.

Shoes are made with 100 percent authentic VSW. The price includes the shoes itself.

These custom VISION STREET WEAR sneakers are only available at Riperys Sugar!

All of our products are handmade custom by expert makers.

No return, no exchange policies so Please ensure you are ordering the correct size. We are generally unable to change or cancel your order. Please DOUBLE-CHECK your selected items before placing your order.

Feature and details

・Title :  "水玉パラドックス-Mizutama Paradokkusu-"
・Size : US 6 JPN 24.0cm EUR 38 1/2
・Color :  Colorful
・Materials : Synthetic leather Genuine leather 
・Shoelace color : Navy

JPN (cm)23.023.524.024.525.025.526.026.527.027.528.0
US55 1/266 1/277 1/288 1/299 1/210
EUR373838 1/2394040 1/2414242 1/24344
Title "水玉パラドックス-Mizutama Paradokkusu-"

Price: 30,000JPY

Weight: 2500g